
.....::::: MAKING ART FOR MYSELF :::::.....

  E - It's strange to write here knowing well that no one will read it. Ok, then it will just be my diary. When I started getting involved in art (I mean creating it myself) it came out of a very banal necessity. We had just moved in a new apartment, the apartment was huge, the huge white walls were bare. I wanted to make it nice and cozy, chic and interesting, but how do I get there? Of course there is a lot of beautiful, affordable art out there, but as I was browsing through the internet and looking at many paintings I thought... what? I can do THAT too! I know sounds familiar to you. Everyone thinks they can make art and then never does. Either some people even try, but see it is not as easy as it looks. Or you have the plan to start painting and then don't do it. Ok, I actually started. I bought canvases, brushes, paint and just got started. I didn't want to create works of art for the outside world at that time. No, I just needed something nice to decorate our new ap...


Acrylic painting on paper  E - I started a blog many years ago (on a different topic) and I remember well that the most important point has always been... to provide good content with good photos . If you were good at it, you could go far. Unfortunately, that has changed VERY much. Thousands of people with great content and great photos are disappearing into the infinities of the internet on all sorts of social media platforms because quite simply... no one sees them. The Curse of Visibility. BUT.. to become visible it takes a lot of effort, a lot of time and dealing with social media that not many people are comfortable with. you should post at the right time (you have to find out first, not that easy as you may think, you need a lot of time ), than find out which hashtags work best (actually nobody in this world knows that, so the plan is.. test, try, research... i t takes a lot of time ), write a catchy headline or text under the image (not everyone is blessed with this trait a...


  Analog collage - hand cutted paper on acrylic painting E - I haven't posted a new blog post in a very long time. It wasn't that I hadn't made new collages to show. It was more of a mixture between - nobody reads here anyway, I'm too lazy and very simple.. I forgot it out of sheer life! Well, today I got the feeling that I had to write something. I don't think I said that here (or anywhere else on the internet), I had a small career (alongside my job as a draftsman) as a secretary. I have always loved writing on the computer. 90% of people see typing as something annoying but I've always really enjoyed writing. But it's not just about writing anything. It should be readable and... it should add value and make sense! Since I (as mentioned above) don't have the feeling that very many people will read this, I'm writing it all down here as a kind of diary. Just for me it is very exciting to read it again after months and years. You understand a lot of t...


Ich habe hier eigentlich mit der Malerei angefangen doch habe ich in letzter Zeit auch Collagen für mich entdeckt! Wie bei der Malerei .. unendlich viele Möglichkeiten und Variationen. Jedoch habe ich mich nur bei sehr wenigen Collagen dazu entschlossen, die ausgeschnittenen Teile auch mit Klebstoff zu fixieren. Ich liebe es, die bereits verwendeten und fotografierten Teile mehrfach zu verwenden. Das finde ich sehr, sehr spannend. Spannender als mich auf diese eine Variante festzulegen. Wenn man NUR den Hintergrund verändert ergeben sich total andere Sichtweisen und Eindrücke. Hier ein paar Beispiele. Und hier noch weitere Beispiele der Mehrfachanwendung.  Findet ihr nicht auch, dass es sehr schade gewesen wäre, wenn ich NICHT die vielen Möglichkeiten genutzt hätte?


What you can do with apps these days is incredible. It looks very complex, with minimal effort. Not much skill or imagination needed. It´s of course fun to play around and be amazed at the result, but I will only use digital editing as a break filler in between. My passion is clearly painting with acrylics. Was man mit Apps heutzutage alles machen kann ist unglaublich. Es sieht sehr aufwendig aus, mit minimalstem Aufwand. Hier nicht sehr viel Können oder Fantasie nötig.  Es ist natürlich lustig hier herumzuspielen und das Ergebnis zu betrachten, doch werde ich digitale Bearbeitung nur zwischendurch als Pausenfüller nutzen. Meine Leidenschaft liegt ganz klar beim Malen mit Acrylfarben. 


All of the following pictures are from this original painting  (see above) . How? Of course, nobody is painting them by hand anymore. They were all created digitally. Such a fun in between lets the imagination fly and grow. AND the result looks very nice. All die nachfolgenden Bilder sind aus diesem Originalbild (s. o.) entstanden. Wie? Natürlich malt die heute keiner mehr per Hand nach. Sie sind alle digital entstanden. Solch eine Spielerei zwischendurch macht Spaß und lässt die Fantasie fliegen und wachsen. UND das Ergebnis sieht sehr schön aus. 


Here I am again! I have neglected my blog for the past few months (almost a whole year.. shame on me!) and since I can spare some time right now, I would like to continue here. In addition to all the other 1000 activities that you still have to master in your life, it is very tiring to create blog posts. It takes a lot of time. And actually I just want to paint and this takes most of the time. When I started this blog, the plan was actually to document my painting progress. But also to capture everything I've ever painted. Unfortunately, I did not quite succeed because I have painted SO much in the past few months that I can no longer exactly sort the order. Nevertheless, I want to try to share with you what I have photographed and saved. Enjoy reading and viewing. Da bin ich wieder! Ich habe meinen Blog die letzten Monate (fast ein ganzes Jahr.. Schande über mich) sehr vernachlässigt und da ich augenblicklich wieder etwas Zeit erübrigen kann, möchte ich hier fo...