.....::::: MAKING ART FOR MYSELF :::::.....
E - It's strange to write here knowing well that no one will read it. Ok, then it will just be my diary. When I started getting involved in art (I mean creating it myself) it came out of a very banal necessity. We had just moved in a new apartment, the apartment was huge, the huge white walls were bare. I wanted to make it nice and cozy, chic and interesting, but how do I get there? Of course there is a lot of beautiful, affordable art out there, but as I was browsing through the internet and looking at many paintings I thought... what? I can do THAT too! I know sounds familiar to you. Everyone thinks they can make art and then never does. Either some people even try, but see it is not as easy as it looks. Or you have the plan to start painting and then don't do it. Ok, I actually started. I bought canvases, brushes, paint and just got started. I didn't want to create works of art for the outside world at that time. No, I just needed something nice to decorate our new ap...