Acrylic painting on paper E - I started a blog many years ago (on a different topic) and I remember well that the most important point has always been... to provide good content with good photos . If you were good at it, you could go far. Unfortunately, that has changed VERY much. Thousands of people with great content and great photos are disappearing into the infinities of the internet on all sorts of social media platforms because quite simply... no one sees them. The Curse of Visibility. BUT.. to become visible it takes a lot of effort, a lot of time and dealing with social media that not many people are comfortable with. you should post at the right time (you have to find out first, not that easy as you may think, you need a lot of time ), than find out which hashtags work best (actually nobody in this world knows that, so the plan is.. test, try, research... i t takes a lot of time ), write a catchy headline or text under the image (not everyone is blessed with this trait a...